Friday, December 12, 2008

Monday, December 8, 2008

What's New?

It's been a busy last 8 days, but I finally have some time to get a quick post in. So...what's new?
  • Got some new running shoes last week: Asics Gels 1130 (Runner's World Best Buy). You know, there's nothing quite like the feel of a new pair of running shoes. Well, maybe I'm exaggerating a little. But for me, it's fun to lace up a pair of new running shoes for their inaugural run. And speaking of running, I'm having some good times lately. Maybe it's the cooler weather.
  • Also new for me, I now have a Lee County Library Card. That's right. I've lived here 9 years and am just now getting a card. What got me motivated...the library now has audio books for downloading (along with music, videos, and ebooks). That was worth it for me to go in and get the card. Now which book to download???
  • Not really new, but I started back doing my push-up this week. I took a few week off because of an unusual pain in my left upper arm. Not doing push-ups didn't help, so I'm back.
  • Also new is the Christmas Tree that is now up and fully decorated in our house. Macy does an awesome job decorating it.
What's new with you???

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Loving Out Loud

Macy, my wife, sent me an email the other day encouraging me and she ended the message with "thanks...for loving me so out loud!" What a great phrase! I loved her new phrase and thought I knew what she meant. But, just to make sure, I replied to her email asking her to define the phrase "loving me so out loud." Here's her response:
I intended it to mean loving me in action, in word, in attitude, in being pro active in nature. It means a lot to me that you verbally and non verbally show love and kindness!

Wow! That just makes me want to love her even more so out loud! Who are you loving so out loud?

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Running the Hills

This past week my running routine was altered by the terrain. Instead of the usual flat ground I typically run on, I was challenged by the gentle sloping hills of north Florida. Now, these were not real hills, just inclines I was not use to, therefore making my running more difficult. And believe me, if you're not use to it, hills can suck it out of you. But something interesting happened when I ran this morning back here in flat, southwest time was much faster! The hills stretched my leg muscles and made them stronger.

Our faith is like this. If you think of your faith as a muscle, it too has to be stretched to grow. The struggle of going up a hill in life can be just what we need to become more dependent on God and less on us. It is in the storms (hills) of life we grow the most. So next time you face a hill, don't automatically think avoidance is your best option. Ask God how He is about to grow you and how your faith can be deepened as you run the hill. Remember, running the hills can stretch and strengthen your muscles and your faith.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Just Considering... blessed I am. Macy and I have had a wonderful vacation this week up at my mom and dad's house. As the day winds down, I'm taking some time to just consider how blessed I am.
  • I have to start with the all incredible food I've been eating today and yesterday. My mom along with Macy and Theresa can throw it down when it comes to Thanksgiving eats. In fact, I'm getting hungry for leftovers just thinking about it right now!
  • My incredible wife Macy. My love grows deeper for her every day. I love being with her and she still makes me laugh...daily. I'm looking forward to spending 9 hours in the car with her tomorrow as we head back to Fort Myers.
  • My family. I have enjoyed so much hanging out with my mom and dad, my brother David, his wife Theresa and my nephew Michael. We ate well and laughed often. You are each a special blessing in my life. Thanks for a great Thanksgiving.
  • My health. So, maybe I haven't eaten very healthy the last few days, but I am grateful for this blessing. (BTW - I have been disciplined enough to run 4 times up here, even in the cold! I am thankful to be able to run.)
  • Special friends. I'm thinking about the people God has blessed me with as friends. Good friends are an incredible blessing from the Lord, and I have been abundantly blessed in this area.
I'm going to go hit the leftovers, but thanks for reading my blog. I consider it an honor that anyone would read my ramblings and observation. I hope you have had a great Thanksgiving and go tell someone you appreciate them. In closing, a few pics of my awesome family....

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Start of Thanksgiving Vacation

Macy and I traveled to north Florida to spend Thanksgiving with my mom and dad and my brother and his family. Today we worshiped at Euchee Valley Presbyterian Church where my dad was the preacher this morning. Following the service they had a pot-luck dinner thanking my dad for filling the pulpit over the last several months. We had a great time at the church and dad did an awesome job in the pulpit. And the food...oh my goodness!

So what else have we been doing...
  • We stopped off in Sarasota on the way up to the panhandle of Florida for brunch with our good friends Pamela and Jeremy.
  • I'm about half way through reading a biography of John Newton entitled "John Newton: From Disgrace to Amazing Grace." Fascinating read.
  • My neck is killing me - probably because of bad reading position yesterday.
  • It's harder to run in cold weather!
  • Mom made me some Chess Cake Bars yesterday. That, along with all the desserts at the church today, I may have overdone it a little today. I can't wait to run a little of this off tomorrow.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Life's Too Short... drink bad coffee. Or for that matter, mediocre coffee. For those who know me well, know I enjoy good coffee. My preferred coffee to brew at home is Peet's. You can now purchase Peet's at your favorite supermarket, but I prefer to order it directly from Peet's. The reason, the beans are roasted on the day they ship them to me. Now, that's fresh!

What made me think of Peet's today? I got an email from them thanking me for being a customer. Everybody likes to be appreciated. So I thought I would throw a little love back to Peet's.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

New Gadget

A week ago today I got a 16GB iPod Touch. I had been saving up and finally got enough cash. So, last Sunday afternoon I went down to Costco and made the purchase. (I like Costco because of their excellent return policy.) After exactly one week of having the Touch, let me say, I am very, very impressed. Here's my quick points review:
  • First of all, it's a whole lot more than just a music/video player (it's an iPhone without the phone or gps)
  • It's incredibly intuitive
  • Everything just works...easily
  • Best mobile email platform ever
  • It's sets up and works great with Exchange Server (all my email, contacts and calendar stuff right there and it looks tons better than on my smartphone)
  • Excellent web browsing experience on a mobile device - it's actually usable! (If you've ever tried to do much web surfing on a mobile device you know that it's not much fun)
  • It does tons more than I had anticipated
  • Great screen display
  • Noticeably better audio quality than on my previous iPods.
  • I really want an iPhone now!
If you're in the market for a new mobile multimedia/web device - I highly recommend the new iPod Touch.

Got to go watch the Cowboys now - Go Cowboys!!!