Sunday, June 29, 2008

How many push ups can you do?

This past week, after reading about the benefits of the simple push up, I decided to embark on my own push up "program." Fortunately for me, there is a web site out there that can help. Especially if your goal happens to be doing one hundred push ups. Who knew there was a website set up for the sole purpose of helping me do 100 push ups?

Currently, I'm no where near being able to do 100 push ups, but I'm up for the challenge. Two days into my new program and I was sore all over my upper body and arms. Remember, no pain, no gain. I'm not quite finished with week one of the 6 week program, but I'll keep you posted.

So, how many push ups can you do?

1 comment:

Rob and Becky said...

I don't think I am going to tell you how many I can do. wink wink Interestingly, I notice you didn't tell us how many you could do either!