Saturday, February 23, 2008

4 Weeks = 4 Months

I'm not sure this is entirely true, but it sure feels like it when it comes to running. I took off exactly 4 weeks to let my foot heal from an injury. Today I completed my first full week running again. Wow. It almost feels like I'm starting over.

My mile time is anywhere between 45 seconds to 1:15 slower than before the injury. Also, building back my stamina is a slower process than I thought it would be. I ran 2 3/4 miles today, almost making my 3 mile run. Before the injury I was running 3 to 4 miles a day 4 times a week.

Quick observation: We never stay the same. We are either growing and going forward or we are declining and moving backward. And I would say that's true for all of life, especially our walk/run with God. Are you moving forward or backwards today?

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