Saturday, February 2, 2008

Proud of My Wife

Yesterday Macy jumped in her own "pit with a lion" (see earlier post Challenging Read & Challenging Read...Pt 2).

Yesterday she drove her dad to St Petersburg to the VA Hospital. That might not seem like a pit with a lion in it for most of us, but for her, this was a very big deal (pit). She does not like to drive anywhere out of Fort Myers (actually she doesn't even like to drive anywhere in Ft Myers). When we travel somewhere outside of Ft Myers by car, I do all the driving. So I was really proud of her for doing this.

Why did she do this? This is why I'm really, really proud of her. She is trying to reach out to her dad. She is trying to show unconditional love to him. You see, her dad left her mom and the kids when Macy was very young. It would be easy for Macy to be bitter. But she forgave him a long time ago, and although at times it is awkward, she is trying to show the love of Christ to him.

I love my wife. And I am so proud of her maturity in Christ and her willingness to follow Christ, even when it's uncomfortable for her. Way to go babe!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How sweet! And we were there the night before keeping her up! You guys are such an amazing couple that the Lord is using in our lives. You are a great encouragement and your kindness toward one another is something we can learn from and aspire!