Sunday, April 6, 2008

The Journey Keeps Getting Better

"Is it just me, but are all the ruins starting to look alike?"

I asked this question today as we we were looking at ruins from a 5th century monastery located at Qumram. Very fascinating site, but ancient ruins are all starting to run together. Have I mentioned how incredible our guide is. Today while at Qumram, we ran into one of our guide's professors there. He said he was one of the archeologist's that participated in this archaeological project and actually found some of the scroll fragments. Pretty cool.

Here's a run down of the last two days, as best I can remember.

  • Mount of Olives
  • Donkey rides (I passed on this and took lots of pics)
  • Garden of Gethsemane
  • Caiaphas' House
  • Dungeon Cave (below Caiaphas' house where Jesus may have been)
  • Dead Sea's Scroll Museum (incredible model of Jerusalem here)
  • Masada
  • Qumram
  • Floating in the Dead Sea
We are tired, but having a great time. Macy is doing great. She had us all laughing tonight at dinner when a couple of birds decided to dive into our table. If you know my wife, you can only imagine her reaction. Thanks for your prayers.

Click here for more pictures. Most recent ones will be at the bottom.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

So excited that you're able to blog! We missed you in church today, but Jonathon did a great job! We are praying for you and are so excited that you are both having a great time!

Anonymous said...

pastor mark, thanks for being so faithful with your blog. Please tell Ms. Laverne that her little friends in the Preschool ministry missed her on Sunday. Also let her know I have been praying for you all every single day, just as I promised. God Bless.