Sunday, May 20, 2007

Joy in the Journey

Life is more than just arriving at the intended destination.

We often get so busy and so consumed with achieving that we miss the fun along the way. I believe the journey is as important as the destination. Now, don't ask Macy if I live this out when we're traveling, because I tend to be consumed with getting from point A to point B as fast as possible. I also have this tendency in life. But I am learning to slow down more and more, on the road and in life.

It's in the slowing that we can really enjoy all that God wants to bless us with. This past weekend I have purposefully slowed down and enjoyed the journey a little more. Macy and I took a meal to someone who was moving this weekend, we stopped by for a quick visit with some close friends, I called and talk with my Dad, and we spent time doing some projects around the house together. (The exciting part the weekend for me was having a black snake some how fall directly onto my feet while working in yard. I screamed like a little girl! As funny as that was, seeing Macy face when I told her what happened was even funnier. You had to be there.)

I am grateful for the many relationships God has blessed me with. Slowing down allows me to enjoy them. I don't want to miss that. No matter how busy I get, or how stressed out I feel, I want to take time to enjoy God's greatest blessings.

Challenge today: Take time to slow down and enjoy a little bit of the journey. I promise you, it will be worth it.

Question: What are some ways you have personally learned to slow down and enjoy the journey?

1 comment:

Dave said...

I heard Rob Bell preach about the Sabbath back about 6 months ago and it has taken me sometime to process and apply it. I'm slow. But in essence, I now have a Sabbath. It is a day for me to detox from a week or productivity; to disconnect from the push of performing. It is a day to not be productive. It is part of God's rhythm for our lives: 6 and 1. Simple, but profound.