This weekend marks the beginning of the process of packing for our upcoming trip to Israel. For some, this is no big deal. You gather up your clothes and other items you'll need for the trip, put them in the suitcase in an orderly fashion, and you you're ready to go. Not so easy for the Bricker household.
This is a very complicated process. I've learn to adjust to it and even got somewhat use to it. But a trip of this magnitude ratcheted everything up several notches. So, I thought it would be a good idea to get a running start on this thing and start Thursday night. (Actually this process began weeks, if not months, ago on a little less intentional level. Trust me, several notches.)
Step One - All the suitcases are out and open and ready to receive their cargo.
Step Two - Have Macy start laying out her outfits that she is planning to take on the bed in the guest room. (I do all the actual packing.)
Step Three - This is where it gets interesting and little fuzzy. This is where rationality and organization can tend to break down. My prayer - that all goes smoothly and we're able to get everything pretty much packed by Saturday night.
I guess you know how to pray for me for the next few days.