Tuesday, March 25, 2008

30 Years and Flying

I had lunch yesterday with old friend from High School. As we sat there catching up on life and others we knew from from high school it hit me. It hit me that in 2 more years we would be having our 30 year reunion. That's right - 30 years! Man, I'm getting old.

It doesn't seem like its been almost 30 years since I graduated. I know it sounds cliche, but "where did the time go?" I know where the biggest part of that 30 years went. Almost 21 years of marriage to the most incredible woman on the planet. And it's true - when you're having fun time does flies.

The cool thing is I really don't feel old at all. In fact, I'm looking forward to my 30 year high school reunion. I'm also looking forward to tomorrow and what God has in store for me. I'm still loving the journey.

Flip This Family - May 2-3, 2008 - Click Here


Anonymous said...

I love your positive attitude! I hope I can be just as excited about my future when I'm your age (not sarcasm- i promise!) We really have so much to look up to you guys in! And you know what Mark? You ARE young!

Mark B said...

Thanks Pamela - and I do feel young (most of the time)!